The girls 2007

The girls 2007
Hanging out at Grandma & Grandpa's pond

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Wow, I cannot believe that Christmas is less than a week away. We have been busy at our home, decorating, baking cookies and the endless cleaning up. My girls are doing so much better with getting along in the mornings that I can't help but think that they have a hidden agenda (Santa's watching). They were sweet as pie yesterday and today it was very good too! Mind you that I'm not complaining, just a little weary that this won't continue! The girls had their Christmas program at Church Sunday and did very well.

Daddy finally got his buck! Thank goodness hunting season is winding down. I think now he is getting ready to finally give in and have his shoulder surgery to repair his torn rotator cuff that has been there for the last 7-8 months.

I will have more later, but for now, have a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Well, Lindsey had her first Elementary Christmas program last night, and yes, I dressed my girls identically. I thought they looked quite lovely. I cannot believe how long Alyssa's hair has gotten, but the I curled it for her and it looked almost like mine in the back.

The girls did a great job at the program. Alyssa had the "right of passage" with the singing of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Something only 4th graders do, and they do this every year.

Lindsey was practicing well before the program to learn the two songs her class sang. I cannot believe how fast my girls are growing up.

On the side, Connor put on a little show of his own with the drinking fountain that we found quite entertaining. He is getting so fast at crawling. Can't wait til he can walk, then we shall see how fast his mommy & daddy can be.

Take care all!
